Los sobrino-nietos de Juan José Barcia Goyanes (1901-2003) hemos creado este blog para dar a conocer su persona, su trabajo y anécdotas de su vida.
About Us
The grandnephews and grandnieces of Juan José Barcia Goyanes (1901-2003) have created this Blog to make everybody known this wonderful person, his work and some of his good deeds during his great and long life.
Juan José Barcia Goyanes was born in Santiago de Compostela in 1901 and died in Valencia in 2003. He was a Medical Doctor, and a Full Professor at the University of Valencia. He was very committed to his teaching vocation at the university and he studied in depth many subjects such as Anatomy, Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery. He was a man of faith and a very profoundly religious man. He devotedly lived his catholic faith and he understood that his life should be a tribute of prayer to God. As an aging man he wrote: «Can we…. encourage researchers, to approach with no fear to the question of the human being, to not leave humility hanging at the door of their laboratories? And this humility is not other virtue than the acknowledgement of our limitations, the limitations of the human being before the Greatness of God. As we read in the sacred text, “as much as I would become, I am nothing before Thee”».
Juan José Barcia Goyanes nació en Santiago de Compostela 1901 y murió en Valencia 2003. Médico. Catedrático de la Universidad. Fiel a su vocación docente y universitaria,cultivó, anatomía, psiquiatría, neurología y neurocirugía. Profundamente religioso fue durante muchos años presidente de Acción Católica y entendió que la vida debía ser un tributo de adoración a Dios. Ya anciano escribió: "Acaso podamos... recomendar a los investigadores, que se acerquen al problema del hombre, que no se dejen la humildad colgada en la puerta de su laboratorio. Y esta humildad no es otra cosa que el reconocimiento de nuestra limitación,la limitación del hombre, frente a la grandeza de Dios. Tal como leemos en el texto sagrado, "por mucho que llegue a ser, no soy nada ante Ti".
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